11.30 am 第二次toilet break。在Kaya Green Park Restaurant后面有不错的湖光山色美景,供游人浏览拍照。我在Kaya Turistik 3商店里买了一盒comb honey (土币TRY 15里拉Lira),旨在把从大马钱币兑换商买来面值最小的50里拉钞票找散,方便较后使用(如当地厕所收费1至1.5里拉)。
8.25 pm 抵达 Ürgüp (a town and district of Nevşehir Province in the Central Anatolia region of Turkey. It is located in the historical region of Cappadocia and near the cave Churches of Göreme)。
8.30 pm 抵达Selçuklu Evi Cave Hotel, Cappadocia (Yunak Mah P.K. 55, Urgup, Cappadocia, Turkey)。我们将留宿两晚!
蓝眼睛是土耳其人最喜爱的护身符和吉祥物,也叫“恶魔眼”、“辟邪珠”。The Turkish evil eye amulet is extremely common in Turkey and surrounding countries. It is also known by the name Nazar Boncuğu. Many in Turkey may call it Munçuk. A nazar (meaning sight, surveillance, attention, and other related concepts) is an eye-shaped amulet believed to protect against the evil eye.
10.30 am 离开。
10.40 am 参观在Üçhisar的“Hisarönü Seramik Art & Galeri”陶瓷店,结合陶瓷工作室、作坊和商店为一体,让我们观看工匠制坯、塑模的过程,并邀请一名团友Lock上前试作,陶模变形令人捧腹大笑。(第1个购物站)
据知,阿瓦诺斯是卡帕多奇亚著名的陶器小镇。小镇的中心流经着土耳其最长的内陆河——红河。The Kizilirmak (Turkish for "Red River"), also known as the Halys River, is the longest river entirely within Turkey (1,182 kilometers) in Turkey, starts in the eastern part of Turkey and makes a great circle in Central Anatolia before flowing into the Black Sea.
8.15 pm 前往位于Haci Ibey Cd. West, Uchisar的Yasar Baba Resturaunt & Turkish Nights,观赏土耳其传统民俗舞蹈表演(Turkish folk dance) 和肚皮舞 (belly dance)。
8.30 pm 开场,历时一个半小时。有提供一些豆类零食和各种饮料(unlimited soft and alcoholic drinks),包括酒精度高达45%的土耳其国酒-茴香酒(Rakı)。这是土耳其人的高粱,人称“狮子奶”,因为喝了它以后会有狮子一般的勇气。其实要喝它也要有勇气,因为它是名符其实的烈酒呢!我只倒了一点,再加大量清水冲稀,仍觉酒意浓,茴香味道重!
节目有: Dancers perform traditional Turkish wedding dances in which the bride, dressed in a beautiful red dress, dances in the middle of the stage, as the groom performs a variety of dances for her. This is followed by a few folk dances from different parts of Turkey, and then the belly dancer takes the stage. She performs her breathtaking dance and then goes around the room asking men to join her on the stage. The lucky men learn some basic belly dancing moves.
After additional dancing and shows, including the fire dance (outdoor), the Caucasian dance with knives, and the drum show, the night’s performance comes to an end.
值得一提的是,属於宗教仪式的土耳其迴旋舞(Sema),又称为“旋转舞”(伊斯兰教苏菲教派(Sufi)向真主祷告的方式,已经有七百多年的历史,藉由身体连续旋转可与神沟通,表达对真主的尊敬,达到人与自然合一的境界。Sema is a popular and fascinating ritual dance which is performed by whirling dervishes. The dance originated in the 13th Century by poet and jurist Jalaluddin Muhammad Rumi.),舞者原是穿着白袍的,但表演者不穿白袍而是有小灯泡围绕的深色长袍,在黑暗中旋转时闪闪发亮,应是改良版。可惜只有一名舞者,不若网上看到好几名舞者旋转的壮观!
The is known as ÖRESİN HAN (The Han refers to buildings whose roof has a hole because of the collapsed roof). (Ref: http://www.turkishhan.org/oresin.htm)
The han comprises only the covered section rising on a rectangular area oriented in the northwest-southeast direction. It was entirely renovated in the course of restorations in the recent years and it has thus lost all its structural properties. In the recent restorations, the cardinal vaults intersecting in the centre creating a cruciform layout were made discernible on the roof and were extended up to the four façades raised like shield walls.
9.40 am 离开。前往170km (车程约2小时)的孔亚 (Konya)。
导游Erhan介绍,土耳其共有81个省。Turkey is subdivided into 81 provinces for administrative purposes. Each province is divided into districts, for a total of 923 districts. Turkey is also subdivided into 7 regions and 21 subregions for geographic, demographic and economic purposes; this does not refer to an administrative division.
10.25 am 领队Michelle在车行途中向我们收取阿拉木图(Almaty)每人USD100 + 3 (小费)的半日城市游费用。本团25人只有2人(Karen Chin和Felicia Buen)不参加。
孔亚是Sema旋转舞(Whirling dervishes)的故乡。创造了“托钵僧旋转舞”是鲁米(Mevlana or Rumi)。舞蹈很简单,舞者穿白袍带黑帽随着音乐不停地旋转,一只手手心朝天,一只手手心朝地,是在连接上天和人间,通过他们的手传达着各种信息。至今还流传着这样一个传说:一天,鲁米在孔亚的市场中散步,断断续续的打铁声显示出鲜明的节奏,于是他开始旋转,速度越来越快,最后进入了一种忘我的状态。通过舞蹈,鲁米发现了一种存在于人神之间的联系。他创作的旋转修行之法,通过歌谣和旋转舞寻找与阿拉之间的神秘结合,以“爱”为最高教义精神,宣扬容忍、谅解;通过修行,能从日常生活的痛苦、焦虑中解脱出来。
Turkish delight or lokum is a family of confections based on a gel of starch and sugar. Premium varieties consist largely of chopped dates, pistachios, and hazelnuts or walnuts bound by the gel; traditional varieties are often flavored with rosewater, mastic, Bergamot orange, or lemon.
The Mevlâna Museum, located in Konya, Turkey, is the mausoleum of Jalal ad-Din Muhammad Rumi, a Persian Sufi mystic also known as Mevlâna or Rumi. It was also the dervish lodge of the Mevlevi order, better known as the whirling dervishes.
8.50 am 游览希拉波里斯古城 (Ancient Greek City of Hierapolis)和棉花堡。
The ancient Greco-Roman and Byzantine city of Hierapolis was built on top of the white castle which is in total about 2,700 metres long, 600 m wide and 160 m high.
The House of the Virgin Mary (Turkish: Meryemana Evi or Meryem Ana Evi, "Mother Mary's House") is a Catholic shrine located on Mt. Koressos in the vicinity of Ephesus, 7 kilometres from Selçuk in Turkey.
Ephesus (Turkish: Efes) was an ancient Greek city on the coast of Ionia, three kilometres southwest of present-day Selçuk in İzmir Province, Turkey. It was built in the 10th century BC on the site of the former Arzawan capital by Attic and Ionian Greek colonists. During the Classical Greek era it was one of the twelve cities of the Ionian League. The city flourished after it came under the control of the Roman Republic in 129 BC.
The city was famed for the nearby Temple of Artemis (completed around 550 BC), one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. Among many other monumental buildings are the Library of Celsus, and a theatre capable of holding 25,000 spectators.
Ephesos was one of the seven churches of Asia that are cited in the Book of Revelation. The Gospel of John may have been written here. The city was the site of several 5th-century Christian Councils.
The city was destroyed by the Goths in 263, and although rebuilt, the city's importance as a commercial centre declined as the harbour was slowly silted up by the Küçükmenderes River. It was partially destroyed by an earthquake in AD 614.
The ruins of Ephesus are a favourite international and local tourist attraction, partly owing to their easy access from Adnan Menderes Airport or from the cruise ship port of Kuşadası, some 30 km to the South.
艾菲索斯(Ephesus/以弗所)古城遗迹屹立至今超过2000年,有东方庞贝(ancient Roman city - Pompeii)之称,是目前全世界规模最大、保存最完整的罗马古城,也是希腊文化和罗马时代繁荣的象征。古城遗址位于伊茲米尔(Izmir)市东南40公里处,是塞尔丘克(Selçuk)城市的一部分,总面积约2000公顷,曾有25万人居住,是古希腊人在小亚细亚(Anatolia)建立的一个大城市,也是爱奧尼亚人的城市,和保存很好的罗马古城!艾菲索斯是世界上第一座完全采用白色大理石建成的都市。
The House of the Virgin Mary (or Meryem Ana Evi in Turkish) is a place where, according to the beliefs of many people Mary, the mother of Jesus, spent the last years of her life. She was supposed to arrive at Ephesus together with St. John and lived there in the years 37-45 CE until her Assumption (according to Catholic doctrine) or Dormition (according to Orthodox belief).
Located within what was once the estuary of the River Kaystros, Ephesus comprises successive Hellenistic and Roman settlements founded on new locations, which followed the coastline as it retreated westward. Excavations have revealed grand monuments of the Roman Imperial period including the Library of Celsus and the Great Theatre. Little remains of the famous Temple of Artemis, one of the “Seven Wonders of the World,” which drew pilgrims from all around the Mediterranean.
Bergama (ancient Pergamum or or Pergamon), 100 km north of İzmir and 250 km south of Çanakkale, was renowned in Hellenic and Roman times for its great library and as the medical center where Galen laid the foundation for medical practice.
特洛伊木马有两个,一个在特洛伊遗址门口,一个在恰那卡来的海边。The modern day Trojan horse is 30-foot-tall work of Turkish artisan Izzet Senemoglu. Another version of the horse exists at the nearby coastal town of Çanakkale. The second horse was made for the 2004 Hollywood movie "Troy" and reportedly Brad Pitt gifted it to the town. Many feels this horse is a better representation of the legendary horse as it is made with technique and material like lumber strips, rope and tackle which would have been easily available in the epic's era. The second horse is commonly referred as the Hollywood's Trojan Horse or Brad Pitt's Trojan Horse.
6.10 pm 离开。
6.25 pm 抵达Oytun Park Hotel (Troya Caddesi, No: 142/A Merkez, Canakkale)。在酒店餐厅里用晚餐。
The Trojan Horse is a story from the Trojan War about the subterfuge that the Greeks used to enter the independent city of Troy and win the war. In the canonical version, after a fruitless 10-year siege, the Greeks constructed a huge wooden horse, and hid a select force of men inside including Odysseus.
Oytun Hotel 酒店餐厅
夜游 Canakkale 码头
Canakkale 市区夜景
Canakkale - Istanbul (314 km, 4 hr 50 min)
5.30 am Morning call。起床。
6.10 am 用早餐。
7.25 am 退房。出发赶往渡船码头(Canakkale Car Ferry Port)。
8.00 am 乘坐Feribot Gelibolu渡船前往Istanbul,历时半句钟。
8.30 am 从亚洲的土耳其跨越Sea of Marmara,来到欧洲的土耳其Gelibolu (also known as Gallipoli)。
11.55 am 休息站上厕所。在此买了一块巧克力Milka strawberry chocolate (100% alpine milk, Germany made),7.5里拉。
渡船码头 Canakkale Car Ferry Port at Gelibolu。从亚洲土耳其去欧洲土耳其!
Marmara Sea
Feribot Gelibolu
Istanbul 的欧洲一边
在商店内上厕所 (Bonjour = 法文 Good Day)
Istanbul 街景
鲔鱼 (Mackerel)
领队 Michelle 与导游 Erhan
Fish market
Bosphorous river cruise
Golden Horn Metro Bridge
Asia side of Turkey
Dolmabahce Palace
Bosphorus Bridge
博斯普鲁斯海峡游船 (Bosphorus River Cruise)的录影短片:
土耳其电车 Istanbul Turkey tram
Grand Bazaar
入口处-- Gate 7 of Grand Bazaar
Grand Bazaar 路线图
Grand Bazaar is one of the most attractive traditional covered bazaars in the world. This ancient covered market is one of the largest in the world containing thousands of shops selling anything from jewellery to silk garments and from carpets to leather.
拥有500年历史的有顶大市集/大巴札(土文名字 Kapalı çarşı)是世界上最古老最大的市场之一,內部有61条巷弄,超过3,000间店铺。
An account on the Marathon: “Always running alongside the Bosphorus, between the sea and the tramway line, we arrive in the Genoese area of Karaköy. We are by the 13th century, at the foot of the Galata Tower; on our right hand we pass the French school of Saint-Benoît. Here are the doors of Constantinople. The crossing of the Golden Horn by the Galata Bridge offers a different panorama: on the right side by the shore, we run up towards the old industrial areas of the 20th century, then we’ll cross the Greek area of Fener where stands since the beginning of times the patriarchate of the Greek orthodox Church, then we’ll be near the Jewish area called the Balat before reaching Eyüp, favorite district of Pierre Loti.
Afterwards we’ll turn back towards the Marmara Sea and the historical peninsula. We’ll run along the Byzantium fortifications by the sea and further ahead there will be more fortification and walls of the Topkapı Palace and garden. There, we’ll run pass the Saint Sofia Basilica, symbol of the Byzantium architecture, which is also the sign that the finishing line is 100 meters away. We are on the Roman hippodrome; we’ve come from Byzantium to Constantinople and then arrived at the finishing line, right by the great door of the Blue mosque… We finally are in Istanbul!
42.195 km and two millenaries… That’s what the Istanbul Marathon is about!”
9.40 am 开始步行。
10.05 am 参观圣索菲亚大教堂 (St. Sophia Church aka Hagia Sophia)。
Hagia Sophia is the former Greek Orthodox Christian patriarchal cathedral, later an Ottoman imperial mosque and now a museum (i.e. Ayasofya Müzesi) in Istanbul, Turkey. Built in AD 360 at the beginning of the Middle Ages, it was famous in particular for its massive dome.
The Topkapı Palace, or the Seraglio, is a large museum in Istanbul, Turkey. In the 15th century, it served as the main residence and administrative headquarters of the Ottoman sultans. Construction began in 1459, ordered by Mehmed the Conqueror, six years after the conquest of Constantinople.
1.55 pm 参观蓝色清真寺 (Blue Mosque aka Sultan Ahmed Mosque)
The Blue Mosque is a historic mosque located in Istanbul, Turkey. It remains a functioning mosque, while also attracting large numbers of tourist visitors. It was constructed between 1609 and 1616 during the rule of Ahmed I. Its Külliye contains Ahmed's tomb, a madrasah and a hospice. Hand-painted blue tiles adorn the mosque’s interior walls, and at night the mosque is bathed in blue as lights frame the mosque’s five main domes, six minarets and eight secondary domes. It sits next to the Hagia Sophia.
蓝色清真寺原名苏丹艾哈迈德清真寺(Sultan Ahmet Camii Mosque),土耳其著名清真寺之一,就在圣索菲亚大教堂的对面,始建于1609年奥斯曼帝国时期,全世界唯一拥有六座高塔的清真寺。之所以叫它蓝色清真寺,是因为寺内墙壁高度的三分之一以上都使用了蓝彩釉贴瓷,共计2万多片,远远看去所有瓷片闪烁着盈盈蓝光,故此得名。
Hagia Sophia is the former Greek Orthodox Christian patriarchal cathedral, later an Ottoman imperial mosque and now a museum in Istanbul. Built in AD 360 at the beginning of the Middle Ages, it was famous in particular for its massive dome.
A group photo in front of the canopied Gate of Felicity (the third courtyard or the innermost courtyard), which housed the private residence of the sultan and the inner palace school.
Kok Tobe (Kazakh: Kók Tóbe - “Blue Hill”) is a mountain in Almaty, Kazakhstan's largest city. There is a popular recreation area on top of the mountain. The mountain's height is 1100 meters above sea level. Kok Tobe is one of the main landmarks in the city, and it is popular among visitors and tourists to Almaty.
The Kok Tobe recreational area has a variety of amusement park type attractions and restaurants. It is connected to downtown Almaty by a cable car line. The City Terminal is located near Hotel Kazakhstan. Also, there is a 372 meters tall TV Tower at the foot of the mountain. The tower can be seen from most parts of the city.
2.40 pm 参观哈萨克斯坦中央国家博物馆 (Central State Museum of Kazakhstan)。
The Central State Museum of Kazakhstan is the largest museum in Almaty, Kazakhstan, and one of the largest museums in Central Asia. When first established in 1931, the museum was located in the Almaty Cathedral. It moved to a modern facility in 1985 and is a landmark in Almaty.
The museum houses the most significant collection of Kazakh historical, archaeological, and modern cultural and political artifacts.
The Ascension Cathedral, also known as Zenkov Cathedral, is a Russian Orthodox cathedral located in Panfilov Park in Almaty, Kazakhstan. Completed in 1907, the cathedral is made out of wood but without nails. Its height is 56 meters tall, and is claimed to be the second tallest wooden building in the world.
3.50 pm 参观潘菲洛夫-28勇士纪念公园 (The Park of 28 Panfilov Guardsmen)
It is dedicated to and named after the Panfilov heroes which were the 28 soldiers of an Almaty infantry unit who died while fighting against Germans outside of Moscow during the Great Patriotic War. The group took its name from Ivan Panfilov, the General commanding the 316th division which, in spite of heavy casualties, believed at that time managed to significantly delay the Germans advance to Moscow, thus buying the time for the defenders of the city. An eternal flame commemorating the fallen of the World War II and the Great Patriotic War burns in front of the giant black monument of soldiers from all 15 Soviet republics.
The Central State Museum of Kazakhstan is the largest museum in Almaty, Kazakhstan, and one of the largest museums in Central Asia. When first established in 1931, the museum was located in the Almaty Cathedral. It moved to a modern facility in 1985 and is a landmark in Almaty.
刘泰安 (Ir. Lau Tai Onn B.Eng.(Civil)(S'pore),P.Eng.,MIEM,MCIE,MCICHE) 祖籍广东四会,1955年在马来西亚怡保出生,旋即在吉隆坡成长。1973年吉隆坡循人中学高三毕业,1975年拉曼学院大学先修班毕业,1980年新加坡大学土木工程系毕业。依序任职于大马公共工程局(JKR)、5家工程顾问公司,曾于1988至1989年前赴台湾参与台北捷运工程的结构设计,2017年中退休。自1984年起在国内各中文报章或杂志业馀积极撰写以政治为主的时评或其他文章,包括在《亚洲周刊》发表“读者来函”,2000年起在《南洋商报》发表专栏或言论版时评。曾任马来西亚创价学会(SGM)在2001年杪及2004年杪举行两次国际学术研讨会的记录,2009年受邀担任大马华文报刊编辑人协会所主办的年度新闻奖的报道文学奖评审之一。从2007/2008年度直至2020/2021年连任大马工程师学会(IEM)的资讯及出版常设委员会秘书。Born in 1955 in Ipoh, Malaysia and raised in Kuala Lumpur. Graduated with B.Eng (Civil) from the University of Singapore in 1980. Had served in Public Works Department (JKR) and five engineering consulting firms as civil/structural engineer, including a short stint in Taiwan involved in the Taipei MRT/MCTS structural design from 1988 to 1989; retired in mid 2017. Avid writer in Chinese language contributing political/social commentary articles to various local vernacular newspapers and magazines since 1984. A column/opinion page writer for Nanyang Siang Pau since 2000. Have served as the secretary of the Standing Committee on Information and Publications of the Institution of Engineers Malaysia (IEM) continuously from 2007/2008 until 2020/2021.
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